Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Especially when it comes to spiritual things. How many times do Christians across the world sit in service and take every word the preacher/pastor/priest as total truth?
Timothy said to "Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
The key to accountability is this - YOU are accountable for your actions and beliefs. YOU are also responsible for studying out what you hear. Take your job for instance. If you have an employee manual and you don't read it, then get in trouble for going against company policy because you may have been told by a supervisor or co-worker to do what you did...you're still in trouble and could get fired. It was your responsibility to read the manual, not just hear interpretations from others. When your parents said to do something, you did it...or didn't.
Well, that's how it is with Christians. It's our responsibility to study the Bible (under lots of prayer and personal relationship with The Lord)...and ASK questions! It's okay to ask questions! If your Pastor is too busy, ask those he put in a position of leadership. Assistant Pastors should be in tune with the Senior Pastor. If you're in a church where you are cut off from leadership...then I suggest you pray about it, and possibly jump ship.
Sorry, but Pastors are held to a high accountability, and they should be teaching you what the Bible says, with discernment. In the end, you still have to study too.
I ask my Pastor questions. There's times I may even disagree on something, but he knows where I am in my thought process.
You should see my reference library. I STUDY!! And I pray, and I talk to the Lord like He is right here, and as my Friend. I don't want to be living my life in error.
I see other people who profess their belief, but they do or say things that is contrary to what is Biblically right. I'm an adult and I make my own decisions and take full responsibility for my own actions. Heaven or hell rides on those decisions.
Do things with BALANCE, and in order, and respectfully. If you have questions, send me a note. I'm not trying to cause any division with your current Pastoral leadership either. However, if he/she is preaching things that are not Scriptural...you bet I don't have a problem calling them on it. I'm just saying to study, pray, be in relationship with Jesus, and LISTEN.
Not everything out there is right. If you're in a good church, that's GREAT!
When we stand before God someday, I pray I hear: Well done you good and faithful servant.....but it's up to me.
Just a thought.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Sermon Notes from this morning: (summarized and amended for here :) )
"For as were the days of Noah"
Matthew 24:37-39, 45
Genesis 6:11-12
John 14:1-4
Jesus said that "As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man" Amplified Bible ... What was it like in those days? Depraved, filled with violence, desecration, infringement, outrage, assault, and thirst for power. Sounds a lot like today, but on a large "in your face" kind of way; thanks to the technology we have available at our fingertips. Genesis 6 says that "God looked upon the world and saw how degenerate, debased, and vicious it was, for all humanity had corrupted their way upon the earth and lost their true direction." Isn’t that the way the world seems these days? People have “lost their way”, they’ve lost their true direction. People with no direction miss out on their destinies that way. They can’t see the forest through the trees.
I know that your life may be nuts, you're tired and really sick of everything. In fact their are days you wonder why you even got out of bed. The world is too much to handle sometimes. I mean look around. You can't look at the news without seeing something horrible and totally messed up. People act like they've lost their conscience. Nothing is off limits in its awfulness.
If you notice that in these Scriptures, God commands us (not asks, not suggests, he commands) us to: Watch - be closely observant
Be ready – fully and properly be prepared
Have you ever gone about your business or embarked on a journey without preparation? You feel discombobulated and rather out of place. You may have missed something rather important because you just were not prepared or ready to go.
That is how believers should NOT be..you’ll miss out if you do. Remember the saying, Get right, or get left (speaking about the coming of the Lord). He is coming for a church who is prepared and who has been doing what He has asked them to. In Matthew 24:45 Jesus asked a question about WHO is the faithful, thoughtful and wise servant…have you been about your Father’s business?
Have you ever noticed how God uses ACTION words? Aren’t we supposed to be in motion and moving forward, because God is.  Why are you sitting still? He is a Lord who DOES, not was.  He expects us to be in action regarding His business. Simple.
In the days of Noah, when the world was nuts and he was expected to live up to the “norm”, and the social expectations and thought processes of his time, did Noah bend? Did he say, “heck with it, I’m tired of doing the right thing, and I’m tired of people thinking I’m better than anyone else. Why not just go have some fun”….Uh, no! In fact, “Noah found grace (favor) in the eyes of the Lord”.  WOW!
Why? you ask…well, Noah was: Genesis 6:9
Just – agreeing with what is considered morally right or good
Righteous – morally good
Blameless in his evil generation

He didn’t buckle to what and who others thought he should do or be. He was in the middle of the desert and he was building a big ship because God told him too. His friends probably abandoned him, he became unwelcome in the popular social circles, and people probably thought he was crazy. Has God asked you to do something that made no sense whatsoever, but you did it because He told you to?
Are you ostracized because of your obedience to the Creator instead of the created? Only you can answer that question. I don’t know your hearts nor its intent. But He does.
Now with the cards stacked against him, how in the world was Noah able to do this? You’re probably expecting a long theological explanation aren’t you? Wrong. It is simple.
Verse 9 says, “Noah walked in habitual fellowship with God”. There was no short text once a week, no short desperate prayer once a month when the bills were tight. No once a week hour sermon to tide him over til the following week. No.
Noah did what the Lord intended for him (us) in the first place…to have FELLOWSHIP with Him. A friend and companion. As natural as breathing. His walk was “habitual”, it was regular and repeated and he was a friend of God. Isn’t that just so awesome?! Noah was able to go through what he did and tolerate all the “stuff”, because God was his friend and companion in the good times and the bad times. The One he could go to, to talk with and be a True Friend. That’s what the Father wants us to do. That’s how we are originally supposed to be. Yes, we are fallen man, but God created a Bridge to Life. And that is through Jesus Christ. You see, with judgment, He makes a Way. That is called LOVE. And He loved us so much that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
We all have a choice. What is yours?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


So you have a lot to say eh? About other people and situations? Hmmm, well let's see. You don't like this, you gripe about that. Your church needs this, your church needs that. Your boss is this, your co-worker is that.....could it be....that maybe....you're not part of the solution but you're the problem?
Did I say that? Yes I did!
Passing the blame to others or being dissatisfied with the inability or actions of others tells me that YOU really need to get your act together. And, you're not happy and fulfilled within yourself. Something is missing in your spirit man. If you are a Christian, you're not allowing God to be God in you. If you're not a Christian, you won't have true peace within yourself without Jesus. You never will, uh uh, ain't gonna happen. Just sayin'.
Let me explain. When you have peace within yourself, you have the ability to be productive in your own life consistently throughout your whole life because your mind is at rest. And when your mind is at rest and you have peace, you can "see" what's truly going on with you and with others. Remember the line from the song "I can see clearly now the rain is gone" ? Well, that's what I mean. You can see things clearly and your judgement of people and situations can be handled in a good way. Jesus said "I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid." John 14:27 
Peace of mind and heart is a spiritual gift. And what is a gift? A gift is a present without expectation of ever being paid back. That's so cool! Some people have never received a gift in their life. But because Jesus loves us so much, He gave us peace of mind as a gift. Then He said don't be troubled or afraid. Fear is something all of us face. My fear isn't necessarily your fear, but fear is fear no matter how you chew on it. Do you realize how many people, regardless of social or economic stature kill themselves because they don't have peace in their mind and they greatly fear someone or something? They look okay on the outside, like they don't have a care in the world. Then you look at the news and they have taken their life. How sad and awful! What could have possibly entered their mind to make them give up? Believe it or not, satan and his minions know how to shoot arrows your way, and without Jesus in your life we are still living a humanistic existence.  In Romans 8:6, Paul said, "So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.".
Each and every one of us has a destiny and a purpose, and that ole' devil will do everything in his power to cut you off from your destiny and your purpose. Legacy is what we leave to our children and our children's children. And what kind of legacy do you want to leave? "Yeah, mom was a nutcase, killed herself when I was 12 because she thought she was too fat" or didn't have enough money, or she was bullied...it goes on and on folks. Our future generations are being cut off in their prime because the minds and hearts of people are failing due to lack of peace. 
I understand what fear is; I understand what lack of peace is too. And I am a Christian. I know that there is a battle for my mind, why? Because I have a destiny in God, and satan wants to destroy it so I would not be able to help others. God's kids have a big target on our back...so, we have to trust Jesus to have our back. Hey, as long as we have breath in us we will have challenges. I have a child with cancer, and let me say this, there are days that my faith quotient runs mighty low. But Jesus gave me the gift of peace. He loves my child more than I do and regardless of what comes our way in this, God is still God. He knows what is needed in every situation. Things may not work out the way we think they should, but He is still in control. And how I handle this will determine how I help someone else in the same situation.
Peeps, listen, without peace you can't be your best you in anything. You will find fault with everyone and everything. Fear will eventually overtake you in one area or another. A domino effect. I'm not saying you will be perfect, but you will have a better handle on life and it's issues.
This isn't a fire and brimstone message (although those will be posted too), but I just want to help encourage you in some things you may have been dealing with. You might think you're okay, but you aren't. You are restless and irritated, and it isn't your hormone levels. And it isn't everyone else's fault. Really, it isn't. 
So, take a moment to evaluate some stuff, and hopefully some of the things I said help answer some of the questions you have been asking yourself.
Choose peace...~M

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I think the time we live in is probably more difficult in regards to social issues than in any other time, comparatively speaking between the 20th and 21st Century.
"Why would you say that Monua?"  Why thanks for asking :). We live in a time where almost anything is possible. How about the avenue by which I am getting this to you. When I was a kid, this was science fiction (not that I'm old by any means), but seriously, you and I can talk or write to each other by phone or computer. That's freakin' cool! I can do my banking, buy almost anything and I can work...all from my phone. The medical community has been doing some awesome things too. Cloning! Wow! We have the ability to grow and replace limbs, including eyes (saw that recently on the news), I mean...double wow! We have traveled through time and space (don't tell me we can't travel through time, we have the way, but that's for another blog lol!) and we have broken the law of physics over and over again. We're so cool as a civilization that a utopian society is within our reach....impressed yet? 
And so here we are, all that and more and what do we do with it?
Let me tell you.
Divorce, abuse, bullying and multiple other crimes are not only out there in your face it's on the rise daily. The power we've been given is used dishonestly and immorally. Simple things like honor, integrity, courage and loyalty are almost completely snuffed out. 
We are totally not up to P.A.R. (this term is copyrighted by the way). When I talk about P.A.R., I'm talking about being Personally Accountable and Responsible. Yeah, I'll say it again...PERSONALLY ACCOUNTABLE AND RESPONSIBLE. To a lot of people that's too many syllables for them to say, let alone live.
Those things that we have through privilege have helped to corrupt on a wider scale. Don't go saying that I hate technology, quite the contrary. I love technology and I love the modern luxuries of the 21st Century; what I hate, is the entitlement mentality of people. The excuses of immorality and debauchery that I see in the news everyday. What happened to morals? What happened to being accountable and responsible for one's own actions? 
The blame game honestly makes me sick.
Seriously, just because you didn't get enough ice cream when you were two doesn't condone bad behavior. I understand that people who call themselves Christians don't always live like Saints, it isn't Gods' fault. I totally get it that you had some issues with your parents or family growing up, it isn't God's fault. Really, it isn't.
Good people suffer bad things. Jesus said the just would suffer with the unjust. Christians will also suffer persecution, it is what it is. Until Jesus comes back for His church, yeah, stuff is going to happen and it will get worse. In Paul's letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 3) Paul explains that the last days (now) will be perilous and hard to bear and deal with. People will be self-centered, lovers of money, greedy, abusive, ungrateful, unholy and the list keeps going. Sounds a lot like everyday America if you ask me. Lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements...hmmm, sounds like some reality TV stuff...just sayin'. Oh, and some of these people will have a FORM OF GODLINESS but they deny the power thereof. Paul said to turn away from these people. There are plenty of preachers out there who are living very ungodly lives and they are living rich off of innocent people. It's not unusual, but it is unfortunate. No, God isn't pleased, yes, He will take care of it in time.
In trying to be "relateable", the church has compromised what God says to do...and not to do.
I think they forgot that He "changes not"...
As for those who do not believe due to the action or inaction of the Christian community; let me say this...I'M SORRY.  It isn't my Father's fault. His kids need to be spanked and put into a choke hold. 
However, there are also thousands of Christians who walk the talk and they are true believers. They live their lives in Truth and Honor and don't get mixed up with a bunch of "stuff". Their sermon is lived through the example of their life not the words coming out of their mouths.
Paul said that ALL who delight in piety and who are determined to live a godly life WILL suffer persecution. Not SOME...ALL. Not MIGHT...WILL. Christianity isn't popular and never will be. No matter how great your praise team is or how many programs you have going, you are not going to be accepted by non believers. What makes non believers, believers, is a church where the Spirit of the Lord is and He draws people to Jesus. Not you. The Lord changes lives from within. The Pastor is to be a conduit that is used by God, not the other way.
America is just now beginning to persecute the Church. Why? Because God said to be holy, the world says do what you want. Jesus said to love and pray for your enemy, the world says to hate and not forgive. We are made in the image of the Holy Trinity, the world says we come from slime or something stupid like that. The world contradicts the Word because satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), he contradicts, counterfeits, and defrauds. Jesus said that satan comes to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). 
Do I find all of this surprising? No. It has to happen. Is it going to get worse? Yes. It has to happen. Am I freaked out? Of course not. Why? Because I believe in a Jesus who died and rose again to stand in the gap for me with God. This world isn't always going to be here. But in the chaos He has brought me peace. In the fire of tribulation His Spirit brings me comfort.
Yeah, things are really difficult today. But I have Jesus to get me through.
It's that simple for me.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


I'd like to welcome you to my new blog! 

There are times I want to teach on spiritual things and instead of doing that within the confines of "Just a Thought", I thought it would be best to start this one.
You may be wondering why I call it "Minister Monua Cary...Well, I am an ordained minister and Assistant Pastor at New Dimensions in Reno, Nevada. Sensei/Master Monua Cary doesn't really apply here :)
Although I am new at being a minister, I am not new at being a Born Again Christian. 
I accepted the Lord into my life as a teen and since then have operated in various capacities in the church. I was a member of the Church of God for 17 years and graduated in 2001 from Impact Bible School. 
Been through a lot, seen a lot, and from my 50 years of life, I would like to share some things with you.
Sometimes I have a sermon, and no pulpit to preach it from...so here I am.
As some of you already know, Monua Cary is not a conventional chick. Nor am I politically correct as far as 21st Century "stuff" is concerned. I am one of those people who believe that Honor, Integrity, Courage and Loyalty should be a part of the fabric of a persons character. That living a life that is productive and courteous to mankind is worth more than riches, and a life without Christ....well, lost and dark.
I don't have all of the answers, no one does. But I will do my best to give an answer worthy of the calling on my life.
If you can't deal with that, well, don't read this blog. It is that simple.
My intention is to write to everyone, not just Christians; although Christians may be offended by what they read here. I don't believe in patting a person on the behind to help them feel good and comfy in their dysfunction. 
As a former martial arts fighter, training for the World Championships was a lot of hard work both physically and mentally. But in order to attain the "prize", that Gold Medal, I had to train hard and sacrifice a lot. The Bible says we should race to win the prize, like you're the only one who will get it basically. That means staying focused and not allowing anything to distract you from the path you run. There will be those who will run beside you to help you along and give you sustenance and water, and an encouraging word. I hope I can do that for you. Let's run together so that we can attain the Prize.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope to post more soon.