Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Especially when it comes to spiritual things. How many times do Christians across the world sit in service and take every word the preacher/pastor/priest as total truth?
Timothy said to "Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
The key to accountability is this - YOU are accountable for your actions and beliefs. YOU are also responsible for studying out what you hear. Take your job for instance. If you have an employee manual and you don't read it, then get in trouble for going against company policy because you may have been told by a supervisor or co-worker to do what you did...you're still in trouble and could get fired. It was your responsibility to read the manual, not just hear interpretations from others. When your parents said to do something, you did it...or didn't.
Well, that's how it is with Christians. It's our responsibility to study the Bible (under lots of prayer and personal relationship with The Lord)...and ASK questions! It's okay to ask questions! If your Pastor is too busy, ask those he put in a position of leadership. Assistant Pastors should be in tune with the Senior Pastor. If you're in a church where you are cut off from leadership...then I suggest you pray about it, and possibly jump ship.
Sorry, but Pastors are held to a high accountability, and they should be teaching you what the Bible says, with discernment. In the end, you still have to study too.
I ask my Pastor questions. There's times I may even disagree on something, but he knows where I am in my thought process.
You should see my reference library. I STUDY!! And I pray, and I talk to the Lord like He is right here, and as my Friend. I don't want to be living my life in error.
I see other people who profess their belief, but they do or say things that is contrary to what is Biblically right. I'm an adult and I make my own decisions and take full responsibility for my own actions. Heaven or hell rides on those decisions.
Do things with BALANCE, and in order, and respectfully. If you have questions, send me a note. I'm not trying to cause any division with your current Pastoral leadership either. However, if he/she is preaching things that are not Scriptural...you bet I don't have a problem calling them on it. I'm just saying to study, pray, be in relationship with Jesus, and LISTEN.
Not everything out there is right. If you're in a good church, that's GREAT!
When we stand before God someday, I pray I hear: Well done you good and faithful servant.....but it's up to me.
Just a thought.

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