Wednesday, December 4, 2013


So you have a lot to say eh? About other people and situations? Hmmm, well let's see. You don't like this, you gripe about that. Your church needs this, your church needs that. Your boss is this, your co-worker is that.....could it be....that're not part of the solution but you're the problem?
Did I say that? Yes I did!
Passing the blame to others or being dissatisfied with the inability or actions of others tells me that YOU really need to get your act together. And, you're not happy and fulfilled within yourself. Something is missing in your spirit man. If you are a Christian, you're not allowing God to be God in you. If you're not a Christian, you won't have true peace within yourself without Jesus. You never will, uh uh, ain't gonna happen. Just sayin'.
Let me explain. When you have peace within yourself, you have the ability to be productive in your own life consistently throughout your whole life because your mind is at rest. And when your mind is at rest and you have peace, you can "see" what's truly going on with you and with others. Remember the line from the song "I can see clearly now the rain is gone" ? Well, that's what I mean. You can see things clearly and your judgement of people and situations can be handled in a good way. Jesus said "I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid." John 14:27 
Peace of mind and heart is a spiritual gift. And what is a gift? A gift is a present without expectation of ever being paid back. That's so cool! Some people have never received a gift in their life. But because Jesus loves us so much, He gave us peace of mind as a gift. Then He said don't be troubled or afraid. Fear is something all of us face. My fear isn't necessarily your fear, but fear is fear no matter how you chew on it. Do you realize how many people, regardless of social or economic stature kill themselves because they don't have peace in their mind and they greatly fear someone or something? They look okay on the outside, like they don't have a care in the world. Then you look at the news and they have taken their life. How sad and awful! What could have possibly entered their mind to make them give up? Believe it or not, satan and his minions know how to shoot arrows your way, and without Jesus in your life we are still living a humanistic existence.  In Romans 8:6, Paul said, "So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.".
Each and every one of us has a destiny and a purpose, and that ole' devil will do everything in his power to cut you off from your destiny and your purpose. Legacy is what we leave to our children and our children's children. And what kind of legacy do you want to leave? "Yeah, mom was a nutcase, killed herself when I was 12 because she thought she was too fat" or didn't have enough money, or she was goes on and on folks. Our future generations are being cut off in their prime because the minds and hearts of people are failing due to lack of peace. 
I understand what fear is; I understand what lack of peace is too. And I am a Christian. I know that there is a battle for my mind, why? Because I have a destiny in God, and satan wants to destroy it so I would not be able to help others. God's kids have a big target on our, we have to trust Jesus to have our back. Hey, as long as we have breath in us we will have challenges. I have a child with cancer, and let me say this, there are days that my faith quotient runs mighty low. But Jesus gave me the gift of peace. He loves my child more than I do and regardless of what comes our way in this, God is still God. He knows what is needed in every situation. Things may not work out the way we think they should, but He is still in control. And how I handle this will determine how I help someone else in the same situation.
Peeps, listen, without peace you can't be your best you in anything. You will find fault with everyone and everything. Fear will eventually overtake you in one area or another. A domino effect. I'm not saying you will be perfect, but you will have a better handle on life and it's issues.
This isn't a fire and brimstone message (although those will be posted too), but I just want to help encourage you in some things you may have been dealing with. You might think you're okay, but you aren't. You are restless and irritated, and it isn't your hormone levels. And it isn't everyone else's fault. Really, it isn't. 
So, take a moment to evaluate some stuff, and hopefully some of the things I said help answer some of the questions you have been asking yourself.
Choose peace...~M

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