Sunday, December 1, 2013


I'd like to welcome you to my new blog! 

There are times I want to teach on spiritual things and instead of doing that within the confines of "Just a Thought", I thought it would be best to start this one.
You may be wondering why I call it "Minister Monua Cary...Well, I am an ordained minister and Assistant Pastor at New Dimensions in Reno, Nevada. Sensei/Master Monua Cary doesn't really apply here :)
Although I am new at being a minister, I am not new at being a Born Again Christian. 
I accepted the Lord into my life as a teen and since then have operated in various capacities in the church. I was a member of the Church of God for 17 years and graduated in 2001 from Impact Bible School. 
Been through a lot, seen a lot, and from my 50 years of life, I would like to share some things with you.
Sometimes I have a sermon, and no pulpit to preach it here I am.
As some of you already know, Monua Cary is not a conventional chick. Nor am I politically correct as far as 21st Century "stuff" is concerned. I am one of those people who believe that Honor, Integrity, Courage and Loyalty should be a part of the fabric of a persons character. That living a life that is productive and courteous to mankind is worth more than riches, and a life without Christ....well, lost and dark.
I don't have all of the answers, no one does. But I will do my best to give an answer worthy of the calling on my life.
If you can't deal with that, well, don't read this blog. It is that simple.
My intention is to write to everyone, not just Christians; although Christians may be offended by what they read here. I don't believe in patting a person on the behind to help them feel good and comfy in their dysfunction. 
As a former martial arts fighter, training for the World Championships was a lot of hard work both physically and mentally. But in order to attain the "prize", that Gold Medal, I had to train hard and sacrifice a lot. The Bible says we should race to win the prize, like you're the only one who will get it basically. That means staying focused and not allowing anything to distract you from the path you run. There will be those who will run beside you to help you along and give you sustenance and water, and an encouraging word. I hope I can do that for you. Let's run together so that we can attain the Prize.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope to post more soon.

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