Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I think the time we live in is probably more difficult in regards to social issues than in any other time, comparatively speaking between the 20th and 21st Century.
"Why would you say that Monua?"  Why thanks for asking :). We live in a time where almost anything is possible. How about the avenue by which I am getting this to you. When I was a kid, this was science fiction (not that I'm old by any means), but seriously, you and I can talk or write to each other by phone or computer. That's freakin' cool! I can do my banking, buy almost anything and I can work...all from my phone. The medical community has been doing some awesome things too. Cloning! Wow! We have the ability to grow and replace limbs, including eyes (saw that recently on the news), I mean...double wow! We have traveled through time and space (don't tell me we can't travel through time, we have the way, but that's for another blog lol!) and we have broken the law of physics over and over again. We're so cool as a civilization that a utopian society is within our reach....impressed yet? 
And so here we are, all that and more and what do we do with it?
Let me tell you.
Divorce, abuse, bullying and multiple other crimes are not only out there in your face it's on the rise daily. The power we've been given is used dishonestly and immorally. Simple things like honor, integrity, courage and loyalty are almost completely snuffed out. 
We are totally not up to P.A.R. (this term is copyrighted by the way). When I talk about P.A.R., I'm talking about being Personally Accountable and Responsible. Yeah, I'll say it again...PERSONALLY ACCOUNTABLE AND RESPONSIBLE. To a lot of people that's too many syllables for them to say, let alone live.
Those things that we have through privilege have helped to corrupt on a wider scale. Don't go saying that I hate technology, quite the contrary. I love technology and I love the modern luxuries of the 21st Century; what I hate, is the entitlement mentality of people. The excuses of immorality and debauchery that I see in the news everyday. What happened to morals? What happened to being accountable and responsible for one's own actions? 
The blame game honestly makes me sick.
Seriously, just because you didn't get enough ice cream when you were two doesn't condone bad behavior. I understand that people who call themselves Christians don't always live like Saints, it isn't Gods' fault. I totally get it that you had some issues with your parents or family growing up, it isn't God's fault. Really, it isn't.
Good people suffer bad things. Jesus said the just would suffer with the unjust. Christians will also suffer persecution, it is what it is. Until Jesus comes back for His church, yeah, stuff is going to happen and it will get worse. In Paul's letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 3) Paul explains that the last days (now) will be perilous and hard to bear and deal with. People will be self-centered, lovers of money, greedy, abusive, ungrateful, unholy and the list keeps going. Sounds a lot like everyday America if you ask me. Lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements...hmmm, sounds like some reality TV stuff...just sayin'. Oh, and some of these people will have a FORM OF GODLINESS but they deny the power thereof. Paul said to turn away from these people. There are plenty of preachers out there who are living very ungodly lives and they are living rich off of innocent people. It's not unusual, but it is unfortunate. No, God isn't pleased, yes, He will take care of it in time.
In trying to be "relateable", the church has compromised what God says to do...and not to do.
I think they forgot that He "changes not"...
As for those who do not believe due to the action or inaction of the Christian community; let me say this...I'M SORRY.  It isn't my Father's fault. His kids need to be spanked and put into a choke hold. 
However, there are also thousands of Christians who walk the talk and they are true believers. They live their lives in Truth and Honor and don't get mixed up with a bunch of "stuff". Their sermon is lived through the example of their life not the words coming out of their mouths.
Paul said that ALL who delight in piety and who are determined to live a godly life WILL suffer persecution. Not SOME...ALL. Not MIGHT...WILL. Christianity isn't popular and never will be. No matter how great your praise team is or how many programs you have going, you are not going to be accepted by non believers. What makes non believers, believers, is a church where the Spirit of the Lord is and He draws people to Jesus. Not you. The Lord changes lives from within. The Pastor is to be a conduit that is used by God, not the other way.
America is just now beginning to persecute the Church. Why? Because God said to be holy, the world says do what you want. Jesus said to love and pray for your enemy, the world says to hate and not forgive. We are made in the image of the Holy Trinity, the world says we come from slime or something stupid like that. The world contradicts the Word because satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), he contradicts, counterfeits, and defrauds. Jesus said that satan comes to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). 
Do I find all of this surprising? No. It has to happen. Is it going to get worse? Yes. It has to happen. Am I freaked out? Of course not. Why? Because I believe in a Jesus who died and rose again to stand in the gap for me with God. This world isn't always going to be here. But in the chaos He has brought me peace. In the fire of tribulation His Spirit brings me comfort.
Yeah, things are really difficult today. But I have Jesus to get me through.
It's that simple for me.

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